Raking the Fall Leaves Doesn’t Have to be a Pain in the Neck (or Back)
Autumn arrives in just a few short days, but already the leaves are changing to their beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. Here in New...

Runner’s Series Part 3: How to Use Your Foam Roller
As we are starting out 2016, many are chasing down new goals and resolutions that include increasing exercise and activity levels. You...

Runner's Series Part 2: Stretching Basics
When I ask runners if they stretch, I often see diverted eyes and silent nods as they mumble, “When I have time I try to…sometimes.” It...

Runner’s Series Part 1: Staying injury free during training…it’s all about the glutes!
Training for a race is hard, time-consuming work no matter the distance you are training for. The desire to get all the miles in often...

Introducing Resilient Physical Therapy and Wellness, LLC
We are proud to introduce Resilient Physical Therapy and Wellness, LLC! Resilient Physical Therapy and Wellness was founded by Dr....